Shop & Service to get you ready for the slopes

McIntyre Ski Area is home to a well stocked retail shop and offers state-of-the-art tuning equipment. We offer a variety of skis and snowboards for adults and juniors in addition to ski and snowboard boots, ski poles, helmets, goggles, snow pants and more. 

Whether you need a basic tune up, sharpen and wax, or just an adjustment – we’ve got you covered. All our service shop techs are specifically trained to ensure your equipment is in the best shape possible!

It is very important to have your equipment tuned up and checked over at least once a year for your safety and to optimize the full usage of your equipment.
Our service shop runs on the same hours as our ski shop. If you have questions please contact us.
Rental Skis
Rental Skis

Retail & Rental Shop Open


Winter Hours:

Open daily during ski area operating hours.

Ski Tunes & Repairs

Snowboard Tunes & Repairs

Please advise if equipment is needed back by a certain date. An express fee of $15 will be charged. Payment will be required on pick up for all services rendered.

Seasonal Ski Leases Available